Saturday, February 7, 2009

Scrapbooking at Sarah's House

This past weekend I joined my family for our quarterly scrapbooking fest. It started with my sister, my cousin and my Aunt. We always invite the entire family, if not to scrapbook then just to visit. We always have a few that take us up for the visit. This past weekend was extremely fun. My sister hosted this time, we take turns, and we had a huge turn out. Everyone came prepared to scrap, even Mom!!! She brought my little cousin Kimmy. I think she is hooked.

A few of my sister in-laws brought their computers because some of us are starting to get into digital scrapbooking. Personally I LOVE digital scrapbooking. I think of it as budget scrapping, but somehow the cost still adds up.

I just don’t think I can give up paper scrapping. It’s such a social activity. When I’m by myself I prefer to sit at the computer. There’s nothing to put away. If your not finished you just have to click save and it’s ready for you whenever you are. My favorite part is it’s a lot easier correcting your mistakes on the computer. And I make a LOT of mistakes. In the past I would just add another layer, or just leave it. I think my grandchildren will appreciate the fact that I wasn’t a perfectionist.

I wasn’t always so carefree. I grew up with a “type A” personality, and I passed it on to my children. Levi never completed his “journal” activities in kindergarten because they weren’t perfect, after a few weeks his teacher started making him take the paper out of the trash and turning in his first draft.

Over the years I have taught myself to let go. Now I can easily let go of my human errors. It took me a long time to learn acceptance. Levi was a little quicker; he became laid back early in life. I admire people who can enjoy life without stressing over the little things.

Well, our next scrapping fest will be at my house in March. I’m already bursting with anticipation, not for the scrapbooking so much, but for the quality time spent with my family.

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