Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Levi

Happy Birthday Levi!

Here are the kid’s ….Luke- Levi- Meagan

When the kids were little we started the tradition of letting the children choose their favorite restaurant to celebrate their special day at. Over the years we’ve formed the “tradition” of a special meal with just us on THE big day, followed by a party for friends on a weekend close to their birthday.

It’s funny looking back over the years to see how their tastes have changed. McDonalds used to be a favorite… happy meal toys. Then we went through the “Circus Pizza” phase, depending on the type of party they chose to have with their friends. For a few years I remember the ChiChi’s phase, I think I had a little bit of influence back then.

Eventually we wound up being invited to Benihana’s for dinner with friends and the rest is history. Every birthday request is now Benihana’s. Here we are celebrating Levi’s 19th birthday at Benihana’s in Chicago. I’m not sure if the kids even watch the “table show” anymore. This year the kid's even tried some spicy tuna sushi rolls. They weren't fans but then again they're not even fans of the green tea ice cream. Outside of the extras, one thing hasn’t changed, the food was great!

The last time we were in Chicago, Levi wanted steak, I know...what’s new. We found Ichiban’s. I remember my Dad talking about the restaurant when I was little. It was put on my wish list - of things to do when I grow up.
After Eating at Benihana’s the first time, I knew what he was talking about. We have both restaurants in Minneapolis, but I’m a creature of habit so I never ventured out to the “other’ Japanese steak house. It was our first time to Ichiban’s. I have to say the chef was fun. He did tricks we have never seen. We’ve seen them juggle shrimp tails, build the onion volcano, and catch the last tail in their pocket. This chef was very talkative, funny, and he made a train for 5 grown adults. We were definitely smiling at the table. The food was another story, it didn’t compare to what we love at Benihana's. First of all the sauce was missing. Itchiban’s sauce tasted like ranch dressing, we were not impressed. And the portions did not compare. Maybe we were hungrier than usual, but we left unsatisfied. After Levi’s birthday celebration at Benihana’s we all had food boxed up to take home because we were stuffed, or maybe because Bob and Levi ordered a double order of fried rice!

My last thought. His birthday was actually on Fat Tuesday. I wonder when that will happen again. I think it would be great to choose a nice quite place on Bourbon Street for that birthday. I hope he invites me.

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