Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fly Like a....Blue Jay

I received an amazing email from a friend today. It’s a clip of a record breaking jump. Here’s the summary…

Record New Years Eve Jump
Robbie Maddison, who has taken over the informal motorcycle jumping crown that Evel Knievel once held, leaped a world-record 322 feet, seven inches in Las Vegas on New Years Eve.The feat, obliterating the previous Guinness World Record of 277 feet by Trigger Gumm, drew rave reviews in motoring circles.

It reminds me of my childhood, when my cousin Joe, a.k.a “Blue Jay” tried to break the Guinness World Record for jumping cars (maybe even buses?) with his pedal bike. It seemed like I was related to someone famous. The “official” people were there, the newspapers followed his career and the crowds were quite impressive to a six year old girl. As I recall, in the end someone broke his record before the end of the year. But, he will always hold a special spot in my heart.

If you want to check out the video on the New Years Eve Jump, follow this link.


Warning it’s quite a rush!

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