Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ash Wednesdy!

We have been so busy lately. We celebrated my parents 40th Anniversary. We took a little trip to Chicago to visit Levi. He turned 19 on Fat Tuesday. We also caught the Wild game while we were in Chicago, it was so much fun!!! It's a first for me to be in the stands as a visitor from the opposing team and winning made it very sweet. "Tommy" Hawk even walked through our row to punch Bob in the chest, he was wearing his Wild jersey. We had the Book Walk at school Tuesday night, it's one of my favorite school events. And last night was Ash Wednesday, meaning church for us Catholics. I opened my email today to find a letter from Amy, my sister in-law. She has two little ones 5 years and 3 years ( I hope I'm right) old, she took them to mass and shared a sweet story. I thought I'd share.

So…we went to church tonight. It’s Ash Wednesday, and my kids had never gone on this day, so I thought I'd try taking them. I was a little nervous since Mike's out of town, and church started around bedtime. This could spell disaster!!!

Father Kevin’s Homily was SO GOOD TONIGHT, even the kids were paying attention! He compared Lent to camping. He said that he loves going camping because all you have are all the little things, which is really all we need. He had a camping bag he was pulling supplies out of…sleeping bag, water canteen, talked about fishing, and some other things in there. He said that Lent is about giving things up to make time for God. He said that with all the hustle and bustle in the world, people leave little time for HIM. I never thought about this but he also said “Instead of giving up the things we should anyways” there are lots of things we can do, like volunteer for 1 hour a week, reading just a few passages from the bible every night, not gossiping, not judging others, ect. We all bowed our heads and prayed and then Father asked anyone who had palms to bring them up so they could bless and burn them. They started a fire, which was pretty big for inside a church. We were in the back of the church(the last row) so the kids were standing on the pew because they thought this was pretty cool. Brewer looks over at me (and no he wasn’t whispering) and said “Mom, is father making HOT DOGS????” There were quite a few people who got a good chuckle out of that. Of course, my poor Brewey was SO embarrassed!!! Thought I’d share a little something out of the mouth of a toddler!!!

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